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Python for IoT Edge Devices

1 hour session (All Time Zones)
Presenter: Dr Rahul Dubey

Doulos Member Technical Staff
Presenter: Valter Minute

Asia and Europe

Time: 10-11am (GMT) 11-12pm (CET) 3.30-4.30pm (IST)


Time: 10-11am (PST) 11-12pm (MST) 12-1pm (CST) 1-2pm (EST)

Webinar Overview:

As embedded devices continue to evolve with an ever increasing range of challenges, having an easy to use programming language like Python, with a rich set of existing modules available, and useful development tools can be absolutely invaluable - improving productivity, effectiveness and time-to-market of your connected products.

In this webinar:
You will learn how to use Python for IoT Edge Device applications, including the use of Python to access input & output (IO) devices, edge device to cloud-connectivity, local storage of edge parameters and hosting of a machine learning model.

Webinar highlights:

  • Python as multi-purpose language
  • Accessing IO devices using Python
  • Storing edge data
  • Edge device to cloud connectivity 
  • Executing machine learning models using Python
  • Edge device Python code development using an IDE  

The content of the webinar will be demonstrated using the Torizon Open-Source Software Platform from Toradex.

Doulos Member Technical Staff, Rahul Dubey, and Toradex Senior Software Engineer, Valter Minute will present this training webinar, which will consist of a one-hour session with interactive Q&A participation from attendees.

Dr Rahul Dubey

Dr Rahul Dubey Doulos Member Technical Staff

Valter Minute

Valter Minute Toradex Senior Software Engineer

Attendance is free of charge

If you have any queries, please contact

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