Sometimes users find that they need to run a simulation of VHDL code containing behavioral models of clocking circuits. These include Delay-Locked Loops (DLLs) and Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs).
If you do this, it is important to make sure that the time resolution of your simulator is set correctly. Many simulators default to 1 ns time resolution. Any value that is less than 1 ns will be reduced to 0. This is a problem in certain models. For instance Xilinx DLLs contain a delay-line made up of a sequence of either 25ps or 50ps delay steps - which is smaller than 1 ns, so a behavioral model of such a DLL will not work unless the time resolution is set.
If you run a simulation launched from the FPGA vendor's development environment, then you should find the time resolution is set appropriately - probably to picoseconds. However if you run simulation stand-alone in your simulator, you must remember to do this yourself.
Here are some examples of setting time resolution in a range of different simulators.
Mentor Modelsim
From the command line, or in a Tcl script:
vsim -t ps file.vhd
From the GUI:
- Select menu Simulate > Start Simulation...
- Use the drop down box labelled Resolution to select a different resolution
- Highlight the testbench to simulate
- Click OK
To change the default resolution:
- Find the installation directory of Modelsim
- In that directory, make the file modelsim.ini writeable
- Edit modelsim.ini and change the following lines to your required default resolution
; Simulator resolution ; Set to fs, ps, ns, us, ms, or sec with optional prefix of 1, 10, or 100. Resolution = ns
- Save modelsim.ini, and make it read-only
Aldec Active-HDL
From the command line, or in a Tcl script:
asim -t ps file.vhd
From the GUI:
- Select menu Design > Settings...
- Highlight the category Simulation
- Use the drop down box labelled Simulator Resolution to select the required resolution
- Click OK
To change the default resolution:
- Find the installation directory of Active-HDL
- Edit the file bin\vsimsa.cfg
- Change the resolution by editing the following lines:
; Simulator resolution ; Set to fs, ps, ns, us, ms, or sec with optional prefix of 1, 10, or 100. ;0 means resolution is default Resolution = 0
- Save vsimsa.cfg
Cadence ncsim
Cadence ncsim defaults to a resolution of femtoseconds, so you normally don't need to set the resolution explicitly. If you did, you could use the irun script as follows:
irun -vhdl_time_precision '1 ps' ...
In Verilog, just use the `timescale directive as normal.
Synopsys VCS-MX
There are options for setting both the simulation timebase and the time resolution
vcs -time 1 ns -time_res 1 ns ...
Most simulators provide a means of overriding the Verilog timescale from the command line. However normally `timescale directives are added to source code.