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Exploiting the TLM-2 Features of VMM 1.2

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  • Event: SNUG 2010, San Jose, March 2010
  • Event: SNUG 2010, Munich, March 2010
  • Event: SNUG 2010, UK, April 2010 (Best Paper Award - 2nd Place)


  • Title: "Exploiting the TLM-2 Features of VMM 1.2"
  • Author: John Aynsley, Doulos
  • Presenters: John Aynsley and Doug Smith, Doulos


VMM 1.2 introduces a set of features for transaction-level communication inspired by the SystemC TLM-2.0 standard. At the same time, the VCS TLI has been upgraded to support the TLM-2.0 standard. This paper, written by the author of the TLM-2.0 standard itself, explains the significance of these new features to VMM and gives ideas on how best to exploit these features for communication between a SystemC reference model and a SystemVerilog test bench.


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