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8-bit x 8-bit Pipelined Multiplier

Briefly interrupting the Built-in Self Test (BIST) theme, this month we present a synthesizable model of an 8-bit x 8-bit pipelined multiplier in Verilog.

Although the design is synthesizable as is, a synthesis tool with a re-timing capability is required in order to create a pipelined multiplier with the pipeline registers evenly distributed throughout the design. You can of course remove the pipeline_stages always block and use the un_pipelined_output assignment.

You are welcome to use the source code we provide but you must keep the copyright notice with the code (see the Notices page for details).

`timescale 1ns/1ps

module mult_piped_8x8_2sC (a, b, clk, reset, y);

input[7:0] a,b;
input clk,reset;
output[15:0] y;

  // Function: always @ posedge clk
  //   y(t=0) = a(t-8) * b(t-8)
  // Simulation: PASSED
  // Synthesis: Needs re-timing feature in
  //            synthesis tool

reg[7:0] aR[8:0];
reg[7:0] bR[8:0];
reg[15:0] yR[8:0];

always @ (posedge clk) // pipeline_stages
   aR[7] = aR[6]; // pipeline statements
   bR[7] = bR[6];
   yR[7] = yR[6];
   aR[6] = aR[5];
   bR[6] = bR[5];
   yR[6] = yR[5];
   aR[5] = aR[4];
   bR[5] = bR[4];
   yR[5] = yR[4];
   aR[4] = aR[3];
   bR[4] = bR[3];
   yR[4] = yR[3];
   aR[3] = aR[2];
   bR[3] = bR[2];
   yR[3] = yR[2];
   aR[2] = aR[1];
   bR[2] = bR[1];
   yR[2] = yR[1];
   aR[1] = aR[0];
   bR[1] = bR[0];
   yR[1] = yR[0];
            // multiply result (a*b) appears after +clk
   aR[0] = a;
   bR[0] = b;
   yR[0] = multiply_8x8_2sC (aR[0],bR[0]);

function[15:0] multiply_8x8_2sC;
input[7:0] a,b;
reg[7:0] a_mag,b_mag;
reg[14:0] y_mag;
reg[14:0] y_neg;
  case (a[7])
   0: a_mag = a[6:0];
   1: a_mag = 128 - a[6:0];        // max(a_mag) = 128, thus 8 bits
  case (b[7])
    0: b_mag = b[6:0];
    1: b_mag = 128 - b[6:0];
  y_mag = a_mag * b_mag;            // max(y_mag) = 16384, thus 15 bits
  if ((a[7] ^ b[7]) & (y_mag != 0)) // if (a * b) is -ve AND non-zero
  		// y_mag >=1, <= 16256, thus need only 14 bits
    y_neg = 32768 - y_mag[13:0];    // max(y_neg) = 32767, thus need 15 bits
    multiply_8x8_2sC = {1'b1,y_neg};
   multiply_8x8_2sC = y_mag;

//assign y = multiply_8x8_2sC (a,b); // un_pipelined_output
assign y = yR[7];


Here is a skeleton testbench architecture that can be used for testing purposes.

`timescale 1ns/1ps

module mult_piped_8x8_2sC_tb;

  reg clock, reset; // reset = active HIGH
  reg [7:0] a_in, b_in;
  wire [15:0] y_out;

  // stimulus

  // response checking

  // DUT
  mult_piped_8x8_2sC DUT (a_in, b_in, clock, reset, y_out);


To download the Verilog source code for this month's Model of the Month, click here.

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Lockheed Martin

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