Global training solutions for engineers creating the world's electronics

Doulos Announce PSL/Sugar Hands-on Verification Training

May 2003|Press release

Doulos, Europe’s leading independent methodology training company, has announced the availability of the industry’s first training in assertion based verification techniques, using the new property specification language PSL/Sugar from the standards body, Accellera.

The 2-day course will provide in-depth tuition in PSL and its use in an assertion based verification methodology. The classes will be hands-on providing workshops with both simulation and formal verification tools. This course extends the Doulos growing training portfolio in verification methods.

‘This course will particularly benefit engineers who need to become skilled in property writing, specifically PSL’, said John Aynsley, Technical Director for Doulos, ‘however it will also enable evaluators to explore the potential of assertion based verification in a practical hands-on way.’

The first public courses are scheduled to run in Europe during October with onsite or team based training available worldwide in the same timeframe.

Full course details can be found here or a full syllabus can be obtained at DAC from the Doulos booth number 2301.

Marketing Communications contact: Rob Pratt +44 (0) 1425 471223.

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