Global training solutions for engineers creating the world's electronics

September 2020|Event

Embedded KnowHow Workshops 2020

Tuesday, September 22: EurAsia »

Wednesday, September 23: Americas »

Get a full day of hands-on, workshop-style training in key subject areas, presented by Doulos expert trainers. With valuable takeaway resources and live interaction with industry organisations and professionals, this is not an event to miss...

Choose from 4 training streams:

  • Embedded Linux will cover the make-up of an embedded Linux system, Yocto layers and recipes, Linux User and Kernel Build and Debugging
  • Embedded Linux Security will cover common attacks and mitigations, coding standards and defensive programming
  • Moving to C++ in Embedded Systems will cover feature comparison, basics of Object Oriented design, optimisation techniques and using libraries and pre-written code
  • Deep Learning for Electronic Engineers will cover Python, Machine Learning vs Deep Learning, training & deployment and pretrained models & transfer learning