Global training solutions for engineers creating the world's electronics

Doulos launch Essential Tcl/Tk course

December 2002|Press release

Many industry-leading EDA tools use Tcl, together with the Tk graphics toolkit, to provide a flexible and platform independent graphical user interface. Tcl's combination of text processing, file manipulation and system control features have made it a popular and widely used cross-platform script programming language.

Essential Tcl/Tk has been developed specifically for hardware design engineers and is packed with design related exercises and examples including: running EDA tools, design visualisation, creating custom GUIs and extracting key information from report and source files.

Rob Hurley, Doulos Business Manager, comments:

A hardware designer's time is always at a premium when a project is up and running, so it pays engineers and design groups to utilise all means at their disposal to increase their productivity. Typically, a great deal of time is spent in managing the design process instead of just doing it. Whether it is controlling the tool and data flow, or analysing and manipulating large source and results files, today's productive designers need to be skilled at managing their design environment. Tcl/Tk is a powerful scripting language now in active use within many EDA tools and design environments. Essential Tcl/Tk is training exclusively focused on application within the hardware design context and will help hardware engineers help themselves.

The first Essential Tcl/Tk course will be running in the UK on February 27 - March 1, with further courses being added in France, Germany and the UK throughout the year. Bookings can be made by calling the Sales Team on +44 (0) 1425 471223.

For more information on how Tcl can enhance your productivity, email us at

Marcomms Contact: Rachael Mundy +44 (0) 1425 471223

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