Global training solutions for engineers creating the world's electronics

SystemC v2.0 support added to Doulos SystemC course

May 2001|Press release

The SystemC world moves on! And so does the encapsulation of the latest language and methodology issues within a single intensive class. Accessible to both systems and hardware designers, the Doulos training class Comprehensive SystemC has been extensively revised. Available from November for onsite and public delivery the new revision has the following features:

1. All existing material has been made consistent with SystemC V2.0

  • clocks and time now follow the new integer model of time
  • module declaration and registration of processes without SC_MODULE and SC_CTOR is covered
  • the new implementation of the Master-Slave library is supported and described, together with practical exercises.

2. New material has been added to support the needs of System architects and other high level design engineers

  • The concepts of Transaction Level Modelling and other Models of Computation are introduced.
  • The Interface/Channels/Ports paradigm is fully covered, including a practical example using a mixed hardware/software model.
  • Dynamic sensitivity and events are covered with practical examples.
  • The above two topics lead on to a methodology-orientated coverage of refinement, using adapters.
  • Derived classes and multiple inheritance are covered where appropriate
  • multiple inheritance is necessary to support the Interface/Channel style of modelling
  • Derived classes are also covered in the context of building a module hierarchy through re-use (not just a structural hierarchy)

3. Coverage of data type refinement has been extended. This includes fixed point parameter blocks and the casting switch

Doulos is continuing its investment in researching the state of the art tools and methods for System-on-Chip design and verification and will announce further associated training course releases for 2002.

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Marketing Communications contact: Rob Pratt +44 (0) 1425 471223.

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