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Fast-track Verilog SELF-PACED

Standard Level - 16 hours (estimated completion time)
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Fast-track Verilog for VHDL Users is an intensive 16 hour conversion-training course teaching the application of the Verilog® Hardware Description Language for programmable logic and ASIC design. It is not suitable for engineers who haven’t already attended the Comprehensive VHDL course or are not well practised in VHDL based design.

By emphasising the similarities and highlighting the differences between the VHDL and Verilog languages and the associated design flows, this course fast-tracks delegates through the Verilog learning curve. It is designed to enable VHDL based engineers to be Verilog-ready for transition to SystemVerilog application. 


The syllabus covers the Verilog language, coding for register transfer level (RTL) synthesis, developing test fixtures, and using Verilog tools. A number of supplementary topics are also available, including a preparatory overview of SystemVerilog.

Workshops comprise approximately 50% of class time and are based around carefully designed exercises to reinforce and challenge the extent of learning. Because Doulos is an independent company, our clients can choose the design tools used during the workshops.

  • Engineers proficient in VHDL who need to be conversant with Verilog to evaluate or migrate to SystemVerilog
  • Engineers who are proficient in VHDL but need to become competent in the application of, and interaction with, the Verilog HDL as well.
  • The differences and similarities between VHDL and Verilog
  • How to use the Verilog language for hardware design and logic synthesis
  • How to write thorough Verilog text fixtures to verify your designs
  • How to avoid common mistakes when coding Verilog for synthesis

Delegates must have attended the Doulos Comprehensive VHDL course (or equivalent) and have a good working knowledge of VHDL and digital hardware design. No previous knowledge of Verilog is required.

Doulos training materials are renowned for being the most comprehensive and user friendly available. Their style, content and coverage is unique in the EDA training world, and has made them sought after resources in their own right. Fees include

  • Fully indexed class notes creating a complete reference manual
  • Workbook full of practical examples and solutions to help you apply your knowledge
  • Access to course exercises and worked solutions on the free and open EDA Playground platform.  


What is Verilog? • Brief history and current status • The PLI • Scope of Verilog • Design flow • Verilog-2001 • SystemVerilog • Verilog books and Internet resources

Differences between VHDL and Verilog

“Philosophy” • Red Tape • Strong typing • Determinisim • Data abstraction • Structure vs behaviour – Nets vs registers • Language structure – architecture, packages, configurations, files • Identifiers • Output ports • Implicit wires • Arrays • Aggregates • Signedness • Operators • Signal vs variables/nets • Process vs initial/always • if, case, loop differences • File i/o • Hierarchical names

Verilog Basics

Modules & ports • Continuous assignments • Comments • Names • Nets and strengths • Design hierarchy • Module instances • Primitive instances • Text fixtures • $monitor • Initial blocks • Logic values • Vectors • Registers • Numbers • Output formatting • Timescales • Always blocks • $stop and $finish • Using nets and variables correctly

Combinational Logic

Event control • If statements • Begin-endw Incomplete assignment and latches • Unknown and don’t care • Conditional operator • Tristates • Case, casez and casex statements • full_case and parellel_case directives • For, repeat, while and forever loops • integers • Self-disabling blocks • Combinational logic synthesis

Sequential Logic

Synthesising flip-flops & latches • Avoiding simulation race hazards • Nonblocking assignments • Asynchronous & synchronous resets • Clock enables • Synthesizable always templates

Other features of Verilog

Verilog operators • Part selects • Concatenation & replication • Shift registers • Conditional compilation • Parameterisation and generate • Hierarchical names • Arithmetic operators and their synthesis • Signed and unsigned values • Memory arrays • RAM modelling and synthesis • $readmemb and $readmemh

Tasks and Functions

Understanding tasks • Task arguments • Task synchronization • Tasks and synthesis • Functions

Test Fixtures

File I/O – Writing to files; File access using MCDs; Reading from files • Automated design verification using Verilog • Force and release • Gate-level simulation • Back annotation using SDF • “Traditional” Verilog libraries • Configuration and libraries • Command-line options • Behavioural modelling

Supplementary Subjects

Behavioural Verilog

Algorithmic coding • Synchronization using waits & event control • Concurrent-disabling of always blocks • Named events • Fork & join • High-level modelling using tasks, Implicit FSMs and concurrent-disabling • Understanding intra-assignment controls • Overcoming clock skew • Blocking and nonblocking assignments • Continuous procedural assignment

Gate Level Verilog

Structural Verilog • Using built-in primitives • Net types & drive strengths • UDPs Gate, net & path delays • Specify blocks • Smart paths • Pulse rejection • Cell library modelling


Background • Who is SystemVerilog for? • Current status of SystemVerilog • RTL enhancements • Interfaces • Assertions • Testbenches • C interface

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