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Which Kernel for your Embedded Linux Project?

1 hour session (All Time Zones)
Presenter: Simon Goda

Doulos Senior Member Technical Staff

Asia and Europe

Time: 10-11am (BST) 11-12pm (CEST) 2.30-3.30pm (IST)


Time: 10-11am (PDT) 11-12pm (MDT) 12-1pm (CDT) 1-2pm (EDT)

Webinar Overview:

Putting together an embedded Linux system for your project is often an exercise in making choices: SoC, applications, storage, build system... and the kernel itself. However, there is not just one Linux kernel available; there are different versions maintained by different projects and organisations with different features, different update models and so on. 

In this webinar we’ll examine some of the choices available and discuss the pros and cons of each one. In particular we will examine the options for projects which need a kernel with long term support and maintenance requirements which is common for devices with longer lifespans.

Simon Goda

Simon Goda is a Doulos Senior Member Technical Staff and Linux expert. Simon will present this training webinar, which will consist of a one-hour session, and will be interactive with Q&A participation from attendees.

Attendance is free of charge

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